Axiomatization for the first-order projection temporal logic and formal verifications 投影时序逻辑的公理系统与形式验证
Denotational semantics describes the semantics of a programming language in afunctional way, but the first-order temporal logic expresses the semantics of a prog-ramming language in a logical way. 指称语义学是以函数的形式来表达程序的语义,一阶时态逻辑是以逻辑方式表达程序的语义。
The program ope-rators and the logical operators are unified as relational operators in the first-order temporal logic. 在一阶时态逻辑中,程序算子与逻辑算子被统一地看成一个关系算子。
The aim of this article is to establish the completeness theorem of elementary first-order temporal logic. 本文的目的是:为基本的一阶时态逻辑建立一个完备性定理。
The elementary first-order temporal logic is a development of modal logic and ordinary temporal logic. 基本的一阶时态逻辑有模态逻辑和时态逻辑的一个发展。
A formal system of first-order temporal logic is called a formal system of elementary first-order temporal logic, if it takes only the basic axioms as logical axioms. 仅以基本公理作为逻辑公理的一阶时态逻辑的形式系统,称为基本的一阶时态逻辑的形式系统。
Systems of first-order temporal logic with equality 带等词的一阶时态逻辑系统
We may also use the first-order temporal logic to set some specific formal systems for various fields of studies. 我们也能使用一阶时态逻辑,为各种研究领域建立一些特定的形式系统。
We analysis abstract action in automated trust negotiation and define pattern of negotiation, then propose abstract model of trust negotiation based on first-order temporal logic. The syntax and semantic meaning are presented. 通过分析了信任协商系统中主体的行为,并在此基础上形式化定义了协商模式。提出了扩展的一阶时态逻辑来定义信任协商系统的抽象模型,分析了模型的语法和语义。